Mari-English Dictionary

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{noun} [Generate paradigm]
1.     {anatomy} hand, arm
ки•дше вола•     {phrase}     (s)he's losing heart
ки•дше кана•     {phrase}     (s)he no longer has to work, (s)he is being cared for, his/her needs are attended to
киде•т оге•ш кӱрл     {phrase}     it won't hurt you, it won't kill you (to do something)
киде•т ок кӱрл     {phrase}     it won't hurt you, it won't kill you (to do something)
ки•дше ка•дыр     {phrase}     (s)he has sticky fingers, (s)he is light-fingered
ки•дше кужу•     {phrase}     (s)he has sticky fingers, (s)he is light-fingered
ки•дым пыште•н коде•н о•гыл     {phrase}     (s)he didn't leave any traces
ки•дше ок мий     {phrase}     (s)he never gets around to it, (s)he never has time for it
ки•дше оге•ш мий     {phrase}     (s)he never gets around to it, (s)he never has time for it
ки•дше ок нӧлта•лт     {phrase}     (s)he can't bring himself/herself to do it, (s)he doesn't have it in him/her, (s)he doesn't have the hear to do it
ки•дше оге•ш нӧлта•лт     {phrase}     (s)he can't bring himself/herself to do it, (s)he doesn't have it in him/her, (s)he doesn't have the hear to do it
киде•т кӱ•чык     {phrase}     you're powerless, you can't do it
кид ки•дым ши•нчыже     {phrase}     don't forget to pay back your debts
кузе• ты•йын киде•т нӧлта•лтын?     {phrase}     how could you do this? how could you have the heart to do this?
ки•дше чылала•н толе•ш     {phrase}     (s)he's a jack of all trades, (s)he can turn his/her hand to anything
кидда• ку•штылго ли•йже     {phrase}     good luck, may all go well
ки•дше не•ле     {phrase}     (s)he's bad luck, (s)he's a jinx; (s)he has a heavy hand, (s)he has a strong punch
ки•дше ок чы•тырне     {phrase}     (s)he will not hesitate, (s)he won't shrink from doing it
ки•дше оге•ш чы•тырне     {phrase}     (s)he will not hesitate, (s)he won't shrink from doing it
ки•дше чыгылте•ш     {phrase}     (s)he is itching for a fight, (s)he is spoiling for a fight; (s)he is itching to do something, (s)he is dying to do something
ки•дше лӱгышта•     {phrase}     (s)he is itching for a fight, (s)he is spoiling for a fight; (s)he is itching to do something, (s)he is dying to do something
ки•дше янда•р о•гыл     {phrase}     (s)he's got sticky fingers, (s)he's got long fingers, (s)he's prone to theft
о•мо ки•дыш кучыкте•н пуа•     {phrase}     it's a dream come true
ки•дыш кучыкте•н пуа•     {phrase}     it's a dream come true
кид ки•дым мушке•ш     {phrase}     you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
ки•дше моде•ш гына•     {phrase}     (s)he's doing a heck of a job, (s)he's doing a great job
ки•дше моде•ш ве•ле     {phrase}     (s)he's doing a heck of a job, (s)he's doing a great job
кидшыма•т ыш тушка•лте     {phrase}     (s)he didn't lift a finger, (s)he didn't do a thing
кидша•т ыш тӱ•кнӧ     {phrase}     (s)he didn't lift a finger, (s)he didn't do a thing
ки•дым шуялте•н шуа•т     {phrase}     it is but a step, it's a stone's throw away
икта•ж-кӧла•н ки•дым пуа•ш (-эм)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to give somebody one's hand
икта•ж-кӧн де•не ки•дым куча•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to shake hands with somebody
икта•ж-кӧн ки•дым онча•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to fall into somebody's lap
икта•ж-мола•н ки•дым нӧлта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to vote for something
кид гыч велалта•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     to fall out of one's hands; {set phrase} not to come out right, to be messed up
кид гыч вела•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     to fall out of one's hands; {set phrase} not to come out right, to be messed up
кид гыч ко•лтымо     {adjective}     {set phrase} neglected
кид де•не     {adverb}     manually, by hand
кид де•не во•зымо     {noun}     handwritten
кид гыч нала•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to buy outside of a store
кид де•не налша•шлык     {noun}     armful
кид де•не ончыктыма•ш     {noun}     gesture, hand gesture
кид де•не пуыма•ш     {noun}     manual feed (e.g., paper, in a printer)
кид де•не шуа•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to let loose with one's fists, to be ready with one's fists
кид йыма•лне     {noun}     {set phrase} within reach, at arm's length, at hand, at one's fingertips
кид йыма•ч лекта•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to be created, to come from somebody's hands
кид се•мын     {adverb}     {set phrase} suitable, fitting
киде•ш нумалышта•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to think the world of someone, to worship someone; {set phrase} to spoil, to dote on, to wait on somebody hand and foot
кидла•н ку•штылго     {adjective}     {set phrase} pugnacious, quarrelsome
кидла•н не•ле     {adjective}     {set phrase} having a heavy hand, having a strong punch; {set phrase} jinxed, having bad luck
ки•дым амырта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to get one's hands dirty, to take part in something reprehensible
ки•дым ваш пера•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to shake hands on, to make a deal, to strike a bargain
ки•дым ваш кормыжта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     to shake hands
ки•дым вӱр де•не амырта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to bloody one's hands, to stain one's hands with someone's blood
ки•дым вӱре•ш амырта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to bloody one's hands, to stain one's hands with someone's blood
ки•дым кандара•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to ease somebody's labor, to replace someone at work, to free someone of care
ки•дым кергалте•н     {adverb}     {set phrase} with one's sleeves rolled up
ки•дым колте•н шинча•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to sit on one's hands, to twiddle one's thumbs, to sit idly by
ки•дым кормыжта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     to shake somebody's hand
ки•дым кормыжте•н саламла•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     to greet with a handshake
ки•дым кӱрла•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to bet, to make a bet
ки•дым кӱсе•ныш чыке•н кошта•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to live without care, to live an idle life
ки•дым кӱчыкемда•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to cross somebody's plans, to thwart somebody
ки•дым кыда•лыш куче•н кошта•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to have one's hands in one's pockets, to twiddle one's thumbs
ки•дым лупшала•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     to wave one's hand; {set phrase} to give up on, to accept as a lost cause
ки•дым нӧлта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     to raise one's hand (e.g., in school); {set phrase} to raise one's hand against someone; {set phrase} to come out against, to take a stand against; {set phrase} to vote
ки•дым нула•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to lick somebody's boots, to lick someone's shoes, to lick someone's feet
ки•дым пера•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to shake hands on, to make a deal, to strike a bargain
ки•дым пида•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to tie someone's hands, to tie someone hand and foot
ки•дым пышта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to have a hand in something, to help something come about
ки•дым рӱза•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     to wave one's hands
ки•дым шала• колта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to let loose with one's fists, to be ready with one's fists
ки•дым шала•ш колта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to let loose with one's fists, to be ready with one's fists
ки•дым шаралта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to be at a loss, to shrug one's shoulders, to throw up one's hands, to be dumbfounded, to be nonplussed
ки•дын шуа•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to let loose with one's fists, to be ready with one's fists
ки•дым шуялта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     to stretch out one's hand, to extend one's hand; {set phrase} to stretch out a helping hand, to extend a helping hand
ки•дым шуя•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     to stretch out one's hand, to extend one's hand; {set phrase} to stretch out a helping hand, to extend a helping hand
ки•дым ырыкта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to line one's pockets, to feather one's nest
ки•дыш ку•чыдымо     {adjective}     {set phrase} new, not used
ки•дыш туныкта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to domesticate, to tame; {set phrase} to overprotect, to pamper, to coddle
ки•дыш ту•ныктымо     {adjective}     {set phrase} domestic, tame
ки•дыш тунема•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     to be tamed, to become tame; {set phrase} to be overprotected, to be pampered, to be coddled
ки•дыште лия•ш (-ям)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to be at hand, to be handy
ки•дыште нумала•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to think the world of someone, to worship someone; {set phrase} to spoil, to dote on, to wait on somebody hand and foot
ки•дыште нумалышта•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to think the world of someone, to worship someone; {set phrase} to spoil, to dote on, to wait on somebody hand and foot
кок кид де•не     {adverb}     {set phrase} readily, eagerly, with all one's heart
ко•шкышо кид     {noun}     {set phrase} butterfingers
по•ро кид     {noun}     {set phrase} help, concern
пурла• кид     {noun}     right hand; {set phrase} right hand, right-hand man
шке кид     {noun}     {set phrase} protection, pull, a friend in high places
шола• кид     {noun}     left hand
ыресла• пы•штыме кид де•не     {adverb}     with crossed arms
яра• кид де•не     {adverb}     {set phrase} with empty hands
2.     {figuratively} hands, fingers, skills
шӧ•ртньӧ кид     {noun}     {set phrase} skillful fingers, clever fingers, magical hands
3.     {figuratively} handwriting, hand
йолта•шын ки•дшым пала•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     to know a friend's handwriting
4.     {figuratively} hand, possession, control
шке•ндым кидышке•т нал     {sentence}     get a grip on yourself, pull yourself together
Эча•н 500 теҥге•м ки•дыш пу•ртыш     {sentence}     Echan gave me 500 rubles
еҥ ки•дыште лия•ш (-ям)     {verb I}     to be in the wrong hands
кид гыч мучышта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to become free
кид гыч мучыштара•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to let go, to set free
кид йыма•к     {noun}     {set phrase} under someone's thumb, under someone's power, under someone's control
кид йыма•лне     {noun}     {set phrase} under someone's power, under someone's control, under someone's thumb, under someone's rule
кид йыма•лне ила•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to be under somebody's thumb, to be under somebody's rule
кид йыма•лне кода•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to be under somebody's thumb, to be under somebody's rule
кид йыма•лне куча•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to hold, to control, to dominate, to subject, to subjugate
кид йыма•лне лия•ш (-ям)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to be under somebody's thumb, to be under somebody's rule
кид йыма•лнысе     {noun}     {set phrase} dependent, lower, under the jurisdiction (of another body)
кид йыма•ч     {adverb}     {set phrase} from under somebody's hands
кид йыма•ч лекта•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to come free, to escape someone's power
ки•дыш верешта•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to fall into the hands of; to be caught by (e.g., the police)
ки•дыш логала•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to fall into the hands of; to be caught by (e.g., the police)
ки•дыш нала•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to take control, to take something into one's hands, to take somebody in hand, to bring somebody into line; {set phrase} to grab, to seize, to appropriate
ки•дыш поге•н нала•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to take control, to take something into one's hands, to take somebody in hand, to bring somebody into line; {set phrase} to grab, to seize, to appropriate
ки•дыш пуа•ш (-эм)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to hand over
ки•дыш пура•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to fall into somebody's hands, to come under someone's control
ки•дыш шуа•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to come into somebody's hands, to come into somebody's possession
ки•дышке куча•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to dominate, to subject, to subjugate, to subordinate; to discipline
ки•дыште куча•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to hold in one's hands, to have under control
сай ки•дыште лия•ш (-ям)     {verb I}     to be in good hands
шке ки•дышке куча•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to dominate, to subject, to subjugate, to subordinate; {set phrase} to discipline
шке ки•дышке нала•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to take control, to take something into one's hands, to take somebody in hand, to bring somebody into line
шкем ки•дыш нала•ш (-ам)     {verb I}     {set phrase} to pull oneself together, to control oneself
шкем ки•дыште куча•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to maintain self-control, to control oneself
5.     signature, autograph
шке киде•тым пы•ште     {sentence}     sign
ки•дым пышта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to sign
ки•дым пыштыкта•ш (-ем)     {verb II}     {set phrase} to have somebody sign something
6.     {figuratively} direction, side
пурла• ки•дыште     {adverb}     on the right-hand side
7.     {figuratively} protection, pull, a friend in high places
ту•дын ки•дше кугыжа•ныште у•ло     {sentence}     (s)he has a friend in the government
кид йы•лме     {noun}     sign language
кид ке•пшыл     {noun}     handcuffs
кид лога•лдыме     {adjective}     inaccessible
кид торма•к     {noun}     hand
кид тормо•з     {noun}     handbrake
кид ыҥ     {noun}     dexterity
кид шума•ште     {adverb}     {set phrase} a stone's throw away
кид шу•дымо     {adjective}     inaccessible
кид шу•мо     {adjective}     {set phrase} reachable, within hand's reach

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