Марийско-английский словарь

Марийско-английский словарь

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Ударение, палатализация: ○ дополнит. хар. (•, ') ○ жирный / курсив ● не показывать
Орфография: ● кириллица ○ УФА (UPA) ○ МФА (IPA)
Порядок: ○ по алфавиту ● обратный
{союз} {частица}
1.     even if, even though, although
ом кае, керек пуштса, ом кае     {предложение}     I'm not going, do what you will, I'm not going
керек воч да коло     {фраза}     there's nothing left but to lie down and die, you might as well just lie down and die
керек вуйым керем оҥгыш чыке     {фраза}     I might as well hang myself, I might as well stick my head in the noose
керек вуйым керем шӧргаш чыке     {фраза}     I might as well hang myself, I might as well stick my head in the noose
керек караулым кычкыре     {фраза}     it's enough to make you scream, it's enough to make you climb the walls
керек коло     {фраза}     there's nothing left but to lie down and die, you might as well just lie down and die, oh for crying out loud
керек пирыла урмыж     {фраза}     it's enough to make a grown man cry, it's enough to make a grown man cry
керек товарым саке     {фраза}     you can cut the air with a knife
керек тӧтырет пучым пуалте     {фраза}     you couldn't wake him/her up with a shotgun, you couldn't wake him/her up with dynamite
керек шорт     {фраза}     it's enough to make you cry, you could just cry, you could scream
керек шӱйым керем оҥгыш чыке     {фраза}     I might as well hang myself, I might as well stick my head in the noose
керек шӱйым керем шӧргаш чыке     {фраза}     I might as well hang myself, I might as well stick my head in the noose
тудлан керек тӱня сӱмырлыжӧ     {фраза}     (s)he couldn't care less, (s)he doesn't give a damn
2.     at least
керек ик мутым возо     {предложение}     write at least one word
3.     well, good, okay
керек, мемнан денак иле     {предложение}     good, live with us
4.     all the same, makes no difference
нунылан керек     {предложение}     it's all the same to them, they couldn't care less

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Last update: 8 июня 2024 года